Case Studies

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Customer Stories & Helpful Articles

Elizabeth – Paralysed to Promotion

Paralysed by Debt to Promotion - Elizabeth's Story of getting free from debt

Elizabeth came to Debt Angel Solutions with a debt of $31,578.60 which was made up of credit cards and personal loans.  This beautiful mother of two teens (one on the spectrum) was receiving no child support and had just undergone a serious health procedure which brought with it its own complications.  

She came to us stuck in a vicious debt-cycle, only paying off the interest and getting nowhere, she had no clear pathway forward. She was anxious, depressed, stressed, under-appreciated, and underpaid in her role; scared that if she spoke up, she would lose her job and not be able to pay her bills.  

We were able to instantly take the pressure off Elizabeth’s shoulders, stopping payments and interest on her debts. We executed her “Get Out of Debt” strategy, in which we were able to secure settlements and waivers for her debt and after only 18 months, she is now debt free.  

Since achieving financial freedom, she says her health is better than ever. She requested and got a promotion and is appreciated at work, now being paid what she is worth. She has even started a new relationship, which was not something she was even willing to consider, under the burden of all the debt she was carrying.  

She is no longer anxious or depressed, nor is she throwing away money on interest, fees, or charges. For the first time in her life, she is free from the past, has a savings plan in a place with a goal to purchase a family home very soon; something she had never considered possible… until now!  

TitleWithout DAS

Debt Angels

Starting Debt$31,578.60
Total Amount Payable$112,360.00
Timeframe Resolved In46 Years & 3 Months
Minimum Monthly$1,350.00
Annual Interest$8,547.41
Your Debt Reliefe Plan Manager - Kitty Thomas
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