
Debt Negotiation Reduces Your Overall Debt

Debt Solution in 3 Steps
Our Debt Management Process

Our team of Angels has the experience, knowledge, empathy, and passion to guide you through your Get-Out-Of-Debt Journey!

    Book Your Free Consultation Today

    Say hello to your angels and goodbye to your bad debts.

    We will be here to support, inspire and educate you without judgement. 

    1, 2, 3 – Effective, Enlightening, and Empowering 

    At Debt Angel Solutions, we specialise in transforming your debt situation. We begin with a detailed consultation to ensure we are a good fit for your needs and we can save you money, time and mental anguish. With compassion and understanding we explore your financial situation, how you got there and what strategies we can implement. Once we’ve decided to work together, the process is fairly straightforward: 

    "Absolutely delightful people to deal with and they got me an incredible result! Happy to recommend to anyone."
    Samuel Mclennan, Debt Angel Client Testimonial
    Samuel Mclennan
    WA Debt Angel Client
    Our team of Angels will guide you through your Get-Out-Of-Debt Journey!

    We do this 3 steps to financial freedom

    Step 2

    Strategic Solutions

    When you’re ready to move We advocate strongly for your rights and stand ready to go into bat for you. We negotiate with your creditors to lower interest rates, secure favorable loan variations or long-term arrangements, and explore options for partial or full debt forgiveness. Our goal is to achieve the best possible outcome for you as soon as possible.

    Debt Resolution & Management Service Guide
    Step 3

    Debt Freedom

    We will quickly transform your debt situation by reducing or stopping interest, settling debt for less, partially or fully waiving your debt where appropriate and/or restructuring your loans to make them more manageable. 

    We will assist you in implementing new financial strategies, empowering you with money mindfulness and financial problem-solving skills. We will put you on the path to break free from debt once and for all, enabling you the financial freedom to create your life by design. 

    A change in circumstances such as loss of income, medical issues or a divorce/separation is often a major contributor to overwhelming debt and financial hardship. These and other life-changing situations can happen to anyone through no fault of their own and can wreak havoc on a household budget.

    Debt can leave you feeling like you are stuck in a vicious cycle, living payday to payday, barely paying off the interest, rarely, if ever, paying down the principle of the debt, scared of damaging your credit file worried about what people might think, and doing everything in your power to avoid bankruptcy.

    "When the world locked-down, and many jobs disintegrated over night, DAS was the one who could offer me fundamental support, guidance and a solution to solving the vicious conundrum of cancelled work VS active loan repayments."
    Tara Wraith, Debt Angel Client Testiminial
    Tara Wraith
    QLD Debt Angel Client

    Are you ready to start your debt-free journey?

    Are you proactive?

    Debt Negotiation, Debt Management, and Debt Reduction are not a ‘free lunch’ for people who don’t feel like paying their debts. If you find yourself in a legitimate financial hardship situation and you would prefer to proactively work things out with your creditors rather than declare bankruptcy, then Debt Angel Solutions can provide an alternative debt relief solution based on your individual situation.

    Are you committed?

    Your level of commitment to staying the course, even when the road might get a little bumpy, often determines success. The commitment to following our coaching and guidance along with the tailored strategy and plan of action that we create for your unique circumstance will result in us being able to get you through your financial difficulties faster than you ever thought possible at a fraction of the cost.

    Client Case Studies & Results

    Client Success Stories

    Read the personal stories and see the life-changing debt management & debt relief results our team has achieved for our clients

    Paralysed by Debt to Promotion - Elizabeth's Story of getting free from debt

    Paralysed to Promotion
    Elizabeth's Story

    Elizabeth came to Debt Angel Solutions with a debt of $31,578.60 which was made up of credit cards and personal loans.  She came to us stuck in a vicious debt-cycle, only paying off the interest and getting nowhere, she had no clear pathway forward. We executed her “Get Out of Debt” strategy, in which we were able to secure settlements and waivers for her debt and after only 18 months, she is now debt free.

    From Abused and in Debt to Abundant Jennifer's Story of getting free from debt

    From Abused to Abundant
    Jennifer's Story

    Jennifer handed over her $63,000 of credit card debt for Debt Angel Solutions to manage.

    Five years after the initial conversation, she is now debt free! Her credit card debt of $63k was settled for $28,500, saving her approximately $11,000 interest a year and amazingly, this was done with no long-term impacts on her credit file.

    Before Your Consult Call FAQ's

    We remove the isolation associated with debt distress.

    We support you, creating space between you and your creditors, allowing you the time and space you need to breathe and truly assess your financial situation.

    Our approach is unique and highly personalised.

    We support you emotionally, negotiate on your behalf and give you the education and information you need to empower you to take back control of your financial situation and reset your life.


    As your authorised representative your creditors will call us instead of you. Once we have onboarded you as a client, we will ask you to sign a Letter of Authority.

    The Letter of Authority assigns Debt Angel Solutions to be the point of contact for your creditors moving forward.

    We will then continue to manage the communication process and talk to your creditors on your behalf.

    You may still receive written correspondence and statements from your creditors as you are still legally their client, however, if they do call you, simply direct them to us or let us know, and we’ll take care of it for you.

    Our years of extensive experience and expertise in working with creditors means that we can design a unique “Get Out of Debt” strategy and negotiate the best possible outcomes based on your personal situation, giving you freedom from debt distress and the associated  financial pressure.

    Our free no-obligation Consult Call assesses your situation, and we discuss a customised plan known as our “Get Out of Debt” strategy, uniquely designed to help you break free from debt once and for all.

    If you decide to use our service, you are onboarded as our client and we begin to develop your personalised “Get Out of Debt” strategy. We take on the management of your debts and become the point of contact for your creditors, giving you room to breathe and the space you need to truly focus on your financial situation and your options moving forward.

    We then work with you to develop strategies to take back control and reset your life and work towards creating a brighter future.

    Our initial Consult Call is free, and we are happy to have a conversation with anyone about their situation without any obligation.

    During the Consult Call, we assess your situation and together, see if our services are right for you. We do the maths and weigh up your situation vs the fees involved in working with us.

    Its important to note, we will not take you on as a client if the cost of using our services is more than we are able to save you. In these cases, we discuss which alternative options may be available and guide you towards them.

    Use of our service will not appear on your credit history, unlike a default or bankruptcy.

    We will work with you to ensure everything possible is done to protect your credit rating. However, we cannot guarantee how your credit score and your repayment history information will be affected by your payment history.

    Please note that legislation is in place making it compulsory for licensed credit companies to report payment activity, and late payments over 60 days past the due date will show up on your credit report.

    We highly recommend you obtain a copy of your credit history and score asap. You are entitled to request one per year for free.
    You can get your free copy via the following link:

    If your credit rating has already been impacted before coming to us we will work with you to understand any possible implications and what can be done about them.

    During your FREE Consult Call, together we will discuss your individual situation and help you ascertain if our service is right for you.

    We have 4 pre-requisites before taking on a new client…

    1. Debt Angel Solutions needs to be able to guarantee that we can save you more than we cost you.
    2. Clients must be coachable. Be willing to act on and listen to Debt Angel Solutions’ advice. All advice is given with a view to assist the clients to transform their situation.
    3. Clients must promise to be in / stay in communication to enable Debt Angel Solutions to do their job.
    4. Clients must be committed to achieve the outcome asap

    We suggest you don’t just take our word for it and have a read of our testimonials and case studies and see what other people who have been through similar experiences and become clients of Debt Angel Solutions have to say about us and our service.

    Rightly or wrongly, creditors and debt collectors who do this are not stepping outside the law.

    If you are out of communication with them, they are within their rights to use this avenue (and a variety of others) to attempt to contact you.

    Yes, they will likely contact family and friends in an attempt to contact you! However, they are legally not permitted to reveal details of your debt to a third party.

    For more information on how debt collectors work, visit the Australian government/ASIC website Moneysmart at:

    In our opinion, insolvency through Debt Agreements including Part IX  or Part X Debt Agreements and/or Bankruptcy is a last resort. In saying that, sometimes this pathway is the right choice. We highly recommend you exhaust all other avenues available to you before committing to such drastic action! Please feel free to use our FREE no-obligation Consult Call call to discuss if other options are available to you.

    We invite you to consider the consequences of choosing bankruptcy or an act of bankruptcy as there are serious and long-lasting implications. There are often high costs involved with any type of bankruptcy, and usually Debt Agreements typically require large up-front payments. Usually, the timeframes involved range from 3 – 5 years (of being bankrupt). It’s a long time to wait to move on with your life, to maybe buy a home, a car or even to access services like phone and electricity accounts.

    Being “bankrupt” and going through insolvency feels like a heavy weight on your shoulders and often keeps people in a negative “I’m bankrupt” frame of mind. Bankruptcy can affect your mental health and general wellbeing, not to mention your financial future. There could be another way available to you. For more information, please contact us for a free no-obligation Consult Call so that we can assess your individual financial situation and discuss how we can help.

    Participation, commitment, and communication.

    We work very closely with our clients, and we ask for a commitment to allow us to coach them, honesty and timely communication. In turn, you can expect the same from us.

    We need you to stay in contact with us and provide us with the information we need, so that we can work effectively on your behalf. We will request documentation and information at various stages of the process. Put simply, if you are not in communication with us, we can’t do our job.

    This process also works best when you are open to listening and learning from our expertise and experience.

    Our Debt Angels work purposefully with a commitment to work with you to transform your situation throughout the process of your “Get Out of Debt” strategy and we expect the same commitment from our clients. Working with us, being open to coaching and applying it to your life, guarantees the best possible results for you.

    We obtain authority from you and / or your partner to act on behalf of your joint accounts if required.

    We can discuss your individual circumstances to give you clarity around who is automatically responsible for the debt.

    Sometimes an extra card issued on a credit card account doesn’t necessarily mean that the secondary cardholder is responsible for the debt.

    Each situation is assessed and managed accordingly.


    What Our Clients Say

    The Debt Angel Solutions team have been very attentive, respectful and professional while helping me through some challenges. I am very pleased with the communication, customer service and final outcome of our partnership. Thank you Debt Angel Solutions!
    Kitty is an unexpected gift from heaven and certainly earned her wings with her company Debt Angel Solutions! She is the most compassionate person, guiding you through your options, never pressuring you and understanding exactly where you are emotionally.
    This is not just a debt solution organisation, rather it is an organisation committed to making a difference to anyone who reaches out to them...Thank you Kitty for being so generous with your time and listening, you truly are an Angel.
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