Over $63k Gone! – Eric came to us in a desperate situation.

Originally a FIFO working, with a good income, unfortunately like many FIFO workers, his marriage suffered from the inconsistency of his work requirements, and ended in divorce. After receiving poor legal advice, he lost almost every asset the couple had and found himself locked into a Binding Child Support Agreement.

Shortly after this devastating blow, his life took a dramatic turn for the worst when he was diagnosed with life threatening stage 4 lymphoma. He soon found out that there was no clause in the legally binding child support agreement for changes should he become ill, unable to work and therefore unable to meet the child support payments.


So desperately ill with cancer, fighting for his life and unable to earn an income, he began spiralling into debt as he was forced to rely on his credit card to make his child support payments. Overall his debt was over $41K on the credit card plus a further debt to the Department of Human Services for outstanding child support payments, along with a holiday time share debt he has got when he was working and well and was still paying despite being unable to use it as his health wise he wasn’t able.

Firstly, we worked with Eric to help him reach an agreement with the Timeshare company. We then negotiated with his bank regarding his credit card debt, finally coming to an agreement where they were prepared to waive the debt in full, once they fully understood Eric’s circumstances.

When he originally came to us, Eric had over $63K in debt. Over a period of 12 months, we got the full amount of his debts waived due to his circumstances and challenges.

We were delighted with the outcome that we were able to implement for Eric. This has now given him the opportunity to reground himself and investigate ways to address the binding child support agreement to make it more in line with his current circumstances, something he was unable to contemplate previously while he had so much debt hanging over his head, and it was paralysing him.

We wish Eric all the best now and always, he is an inspiration to us all here at Debt Angel Solutions – should you wish to read more of his words.

Although Erics life has changed completely, he has moved states and is living back at home with his elderly mother due to no money, no ability to work due to his health and a deep onset of depression caused by all we have explained above.

We are delighted that through the outcome Debt Angels was able to implement for Eric, that he is now able to re ground himself, look to the future and find away to break free from the binding child support agreement. Eric is undoubtedly in a better head space than he has been in for years, he sees a glimmer of hope for the future, even though he was rejected by legal aid due to the complexity of his binding child support agreement to support him, he has found alternative ways to power ahead and represent himself in the case.

His Testimonial –

To Kitty Thomas and all the Team at Debt Angel Solutions who worked on my case.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you are two words that I cannot say enough for all your much appreciated hard work done over the past couple of years in successfully achieving in getting a huge financial monkey off of my back.

Please feel free to share my story with anyone and all who may be searching for financial crisis help !

Debt Resolution Success Story - Over $63k Gone! – Eric came to us in a desperate situation.

For anyone who is reading this, searching for help ! We all have our own history that has lead us into an all too common but complex financial crisis. This is my story and I hope that after reading, it will help you to make the decision to call Debt Angel Solutions for help !

My name is Eric Hooyberg, aged 55 and my story starts long before my contact with Kitty Thomas and Team from Debt Angel Solutions.

For years I was a FIFO worker, earning a good income and providing a comfortable life for my then family. Unfortunately, like a lot of FIFO workers my marriage failed and ended with divorce. With poor legal advice, I lost practically every asset and I was locked into a Binding Child Support Agreement ( something I advise nobody to enter into ).

Starting my life again, this Agreement was working fine for all involved while I was earning a good income but it would turn out to become my financial demise in the end.

My life was about to take a dramatic turn for the worst as I was diagnosed with life threatening stage 4 lymphoma cancer and no clause in the Agreement for any change if I ever became ill and was unable to meet the payments.

So while I was fighting my battle with cancer, unable to earn an income, I fell into a spiralling debt in excess of $40,000 on credit card to feed my Child Support Obligations. Plus another debt which continues to grow in excess of $30,000 directly with the Department Of Human Services of outstanding Child Support that I’m unable to pay.

With the only way to address the Child Support debt is through the courts, I have no legal help, as all legal services that I had approached put it in the too hard basket.

Even Legal Aid refused to help.

This, along with my failing health had caused me to fall into a deep dark hole with no way out. Even though my cancer was now in remission, the treatment had taken a huge toll on my overall health and my body has become a ticking time bomb.

Surviving cancer has proven to be a very expensive experience, financially, physically and mentally as I continue to struggle coming to terms with everything.

This is where Kitty Thomas and her Team from Debt Angel Solutions have been a shining light and my saving grace !

1: They helped me to reach an agreement with a Timeshare company that I was in debt with, after my initial correspondence with the company failed to reach any agreement.

2: They continued to negotiate with the bank over my credit card debt and with a lot of persistence and my medical reports, managed to persuade the bank to agree to waive the debt.

This was a huge outcome and I still pinch myself to see if I’m dreaming !

Not only has this proven to be at great help for me financial, it has also restored my faith in humanity that there is some good out there !

Thank you again Debt Angel Solutions ! You have been a god send in helping me with my financial struggles and helped me see the light out of the deep dark hole that I had fallen into.

My Child Support debt still continues to grow and the only way to have this resolved is through the courts but as for Kitty Thomas and her Team at Debt Angel Solutions, a huge thumbs up for your amazing help !

If anyone finds their selves in a similar situation, please do yourself a big favor and contact Debt Angel Solutions because you will have nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing so !

Thank you again Debt Angel Solutions, you have been an amazing help !

Your Debt Reliefe Plan Manager - Kitty Thomas
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